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Home > Education > K-12 > School Safety

Creating Safe and Drug-Free Schools
An Action Guide. Tells what schools, parents, students and community & business groups can do to create safe schools.

Early Warning, Timely Response: A Guide to Safe Schools
Online publication from the US Department of Education and the Department of Justice.

Safe Schools for the 21st Century
The Metropolitan Center for Urban Education is conducting research which explores the principal issues surrounding school violence, the factors that cause school-based crime, the methods that are being used to prevent violence, and the theoretical constructs on which these programs are based and evaluated.

School Violence Virtual Library
Resources for students, parents, and educators on school violence. Topics include violence prevention, intervention strategies, security measures, policy issues, guns, the media role, more.

Stopping School Violence
Resources from the National Crime Prevention Council include warning signs to look for, conflict management tips, and things everyone can do to help.

School Safety & School Security Experts
School security and crisis preparedness training, assessments, and consulting services. Gangs, drugs, weapons, violence, crisis preparedness,and police-school support nationwide.

Coping With School Violence
Information and education resources primarily for families,1156,1-21...

Safe & Drug-Free Schools Program
U.S. Dept. of Education program vehicle for reducing drug, alcohol and tobacco use, and violence through education and prevention activities in our nation's schools. Site has links to publications, model programs, research, and Internet resources related to the prevention of drug abuse and violence in schools.