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Home > History > Nineteenth Century > Napoleonic Wars > The Hundred Days - 1815

The Return of Napoleon from Elba
An account of Napoleon's return to France, by an English lady in Paris at the time.

Battle of Waterloo in a picture book
Some rather nice pictures, drawn from a childrens' book of the 1970's. Slightly tongue-in-cheek commentary to go with them.

The 13th at Waterloo
Detailed account of the doings of the British 13th Light Dragoons during the 100 days. Drawn from a regimental history published in 1911.

Tolentino 1815
Site dedicated to the Battle of Tolentino, and a re-enactment that took place in 1998. Some nice illustrations, but text in Italian only.

Waterloo 1815
Very thorough order of battle for the Waterloo campaign - right down to the colonels' names. Also has biographies for all the generals involved. Text in English and German.

A Quick Primer on Waterloo
There are infinitely better accounts but this is the 'Weight-watchers' version - a quick run down to put the battle in perspective for people that have no idea what it was all about.. A very good overview, complete with first-hand accounts of the battle.

Route Napoléon
Themed around the road followed by Napoleon on his return from Elba in 1815. Tourist information about the towns on the route together with Napoleon biography, pictures and maps. Text in French and English.

Waterloo Visitor Center
Information on the battle and on facilities for modern-day visitors.