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Home > History > Twentieth Century > Space Exploration


Space Exploration: From Talisman of the Past to Gateway for the Future
Book with background information on space exploration.

Apollo by the Numbers
Author Richard Orloff presents comprehensive information and statistical data about Project Apollo. Documents viewed using Adobe Acrobat.

Icarus Rising... A Memorial to the Crew of the Space Shuttle Challenger
A brief account of the Challenger Shuttle accident of 1986. Includes a gallery of images from the Challenger disaster and links to related sites.

From Mercury to Apollo - American Early Manned Space Program Mission Histories
Provides in-depth histories of all the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo space flights. Also includes links to science news, including space-related issues.

Apollo Training Team

On Mars: Exploration of the Red Planet. 1958-1978
A history of the US Viking and Mariner space probes to Mars. Discusses the motives for these programs and the evolution of hardware. Includes information on the search for life on Mars, spacecraft assembly, landing site selection, and experiments performed on the Martian surface.

This New Ocean: A History of Project Mercury
Includes the full text of NASA's official history of Project Mercury. Provides extensive historical background on the origins, the astronauts, the spacecraft, and the space flights of Mercury.

Moonport: A History of Apollo Launch Facilities and Operations
The story of the Apollo launch facilities and launch operations from the beginning of design through the final launch.

Apollo Mode Decision
Examines the various mission profiles for placing astronauts on the moon and explains NASA's decision in favor of lunar orbit rendezvous.

The Problem of Space Travel
A translation of Hermann Noordung's 1929 Das Problem der Befahrung des Weltraums, this book is one of most extensive early studies of the technical and engineering details of a space station. Part of the NASA history series.

Redstone Arsenal Historical Information
The US Army’s Redstone Arsenal was at the forefront of the early American space program. Includes links to photos and videos of early rockets, declassified information about its missile and satellite projects, articles on leading personnel, and a chronology of Redstone's history.

John Glenn: Three Orbits to History
Presents a brief multimedia history of John Glenn's Mercury flight, the first American mission into Earth orbit. Discusses the training and technology of the Mercury Program and the events of Glenn's space flight.
