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Home > History > US History > Civil Rights

Biography about Martin Luther king
Martin Luther King civil rights. Historical figure

Amistad Slave Ship Newspaper
Great newspaper on the slave ship Amistad...

Martin Luther King, Jr.
This site contains secondary documents written about Martin Luther King, Jr., as well as primary documents written during King's life.

Wisconsin Labor History Society
A society dedicated to keeping stories of workers and unions of Wisconsin alive.

Civil Rights
Black history African American history Slavery Slavery in America American Slavery Slave trade Reconstruction Civil Rights First Black Senators Black Wall Street racism Detroit Riot violence in schools Black racism

We Shall Overcome; Historic Places of the Civil Rights Movement
This National Register of Historic Places Travel Itinerary tells the powerful story of how and where the centuries-long struggle of African Americans to achieve the bright promise of America culminated in the mid-20thcentury in a heroic campaign we call the modern civil rights movement. Many of the places where these seminal events occurred, the churches, schools, homes, and neighborhoods, are listed in the National Register of Historic Places and are included in this itinerary.