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Home > History > World History

The Viking Home Page
Viking vikings old norse history viking ships viking Asatru Asar Asatro

Napoleon Series
napoleon bonaparte

History of Australia and New Zealand
An Electronic Journal of Australian and New Zealand history.

French and English Baroque
A journey through time into the splendour of the Baroque Age and the military might of Kirke's Lambs

The English Civil War Society - a history re-enactment group
English Civil War Society - A History Re-enactment Group

World History Compass
Links to history Web sites on the Web the world over.

World War II, An American Scrapbook
A student project. On this web site you will find stories we collected about World War II from people close to us...our grandparents and great grandparents

Eighteenth-Century Studies
This collection archives works of the eighteenth century from the perspectives of literary and cultural studies. Novels, plays, memoirs, treatises and poems of the period are kept here.

The Seven Years War Website French and Indian War
The Seven Year War Website offers French and Indian War articles, French and Indian War links, uniform charts, French and Indian War reenactments, military replicas ...

The Atomic Archive
The Atomic Archive explores the complex history surrounding the invention of the atomic bomb - a crucial turning point for all mankind. Follow a timeline that takes you down the path of our nuclear past, from the 1920s to the present. Read biographies of A-bomb father Robert Oppenheimer and Enrico Fermi's dispassionate account of the Trinity Test. Examine maps of the damage to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and summaries of arms-control treaties. You'll also find an excellent gallery of photographs and historical footage.

For European Recovery: The Fiftieth Anniversary of The Marshall Plan
The European Recovery Act, the 'Marshall Plan', exhibition commemorates the fiftieth anniversary of American assistance to Europe in recovering from World War II.

The Punic Wars
The Punic Wars were a series of three wars fought between Rome and the Phoenician city of Carthage..

The Stuarts
The Tudors and Stuarts. The rule of the Stuarts began when King James V1 of Scotland, the son of Mary Queen of Scots was crowned James 1 of Englandafter the death of Queen Elizabeth 1 in 1603.

Joan's Royal Favourites and Links
Favourite royal links, books, magazines and person; Eleanor of Aquitaine, an emancipated woman in the dark middle ages.

Elizabethan England
Student created web site on Elizabethan England. Topics include everyday life, art, historical figures and more...

Congress of Vienna Timeline
Begins after Napoleon surrendered to the allied powers of Europe in Paris after 150, 000 troops were marched in to the city.

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