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Home > Reference > Calendars

About the Numbers in Today's Date
Learn about the numbers in today's date.

The Julian and the Gregorian Calendars
The Julian Calendar, the Gregorian reform and its adoption, astronomical year numbering, the Julian and the Gregorian Proleptic Calendars, and the accuracy of calendars.

Calendars - Various historical calendar systems
Calendars throught the Ages. Some other calendars Early Egyptian The earliest Egyptian calendar was based on the moon's cycles, but the lunar calendar failed to predict a critical event in their lives: the annual flooding of the Nile river. The Egyp

Calendars - Historical information and FAQ about Mayan calendar
Calendars throught the Ages. The Mayan Calendar Among their other accomplishments, the ancient Mayas invented a calendar of remarkable accuracy and complexity. At right is the ancient Mayan Pyramid Ch

Calendars - Historical information and FAQ about the days of the week
Calendars throught the Ages. Our seven-day week Our seven day week has been used for millennia by the Christian, Jewish, Islamic, and Chinese calendars, yet its origins are most uncertain.What Is the Origin of the 7-Day Week? Which Day is the Day of

Calendars - Historical information and FAQ about the Chinese calendar
Calendars through the Ages. Historical information and FAQ about the Chinese calendar. Although the People's Republic of China uses the Gregorian calendar for civil purposes, a special Chinese calendar is used for determining festivals. Various Chinese communities around the world also use this calendar.

Calendars - Historical information and FAQ about the year
Calendars throught the Ages. Our Year Calendars are normally based on astronomical events, and the two most important astronomical objects are the sun and the moon. Their cycles are very important in

Calendars - Timeline of interesting calendar facts
Calendars throught the Ages. Timeline of interesting calendar facts Length of the tropical year in 2000 C.E. 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, 45 seconds Time that the year has slowed since 1 C.E. Around 18-26 minutes Average decrease in the year due

Dr. Mac's Cultural Calendar
This day-by-day almanac has been designed to give some idea of the events that happened on a particular day, as well as of what famous persons are connected with that day.

Calendars through the Ages
History and FAQ's of various world calendars, including Julian, Gregorian, Jewish, Islamic, Chinese, and Mayan. Calendar fundamentals, history, years, months, and days of the week. Explore the fascinating history of the human endeavor to organize our lives in accordance with the sun and stars.

Calendars - Historical information and FAQ about the Jewish calendar
Calendars throught the Ages. The Jewish Calendar The current definition of the Jewish calendar is generally said to have been set down by the Sanhedrin president Hillel II in approximately C.E. 359.

Calendars - Historical information and FAQ about the Christian calendar
Calendars through the Ages.

Calendars - French Revolutionary calendar used 1793 - 1806
Calendars throught the Ages. The French Revolutionary Calendar The French Revolutionary Calendar or Republican Calendar was officially adopted in France on October 24,1793 and abolished on 1 Januar

Calendars - Historical information and FAQ about the Islamic calendar
Calendars through the Ages. The Islamic calendar or Hijri calendar is a purely lunar calendar. It contains 12 months that are based on the motion of the moon, and because 12 synodic months is only 12 x 29.53=354.36 days, the Islamic calendar is consistently shorter than a tropical year, and therefore it shifts with respect to the Christian calendar.