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Home > History > Explorers > Lewis and Clark

Lewis and Clark Expedition
The Lewis and Clark expedition (1804-1806) was the first United States overland expedition to the Pacific coast and back

Lewis and Clarke the Bicentennial Exhibition

Timeline of Lewis and Clark Expedition
Timeline of the Lewis and Clark Expedition

Lewis and Clark
Lewis and Clark led one of the most famous exploring expeditions ever. In the early 1800s, U.S. President Thomas Jefferson wanted to learn more about the land west of the Mississippi River. The United States had just purchased a huge area of land from the French. This land became known as the Louisiana Purchase

The journal entries found here are not the complete entries of Lewis and Clark. They are merely sampling of some of the entries

Lewis and Clark Trail Kids Page
A series of pages for kids on various topics related to the Lewis and Clark Expedition

Lewis and Clark
When Thomas Jefferson dispatched Lewis and Clark to find a water route across North America and explore the uncharted West, he expected they'd encounter woolly mammoths, erupting volcanoes, and a mountain of pure salt. What they found was no less surprising. See it all on our journey: journal entries, historical photos, drawings, and more.

Lewis & Clark Historical Trail
In May, 1804, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark set out on an amazing expedition across the Louisiana Territory

PBS Online - Lewis and Clark
Lewis and Clark, the companion Web site to the Ken Burns film, 'Lewis and Clark: The Journey of the Corps of Discovery.'